Minnesota Death Records Search
MS Death Records
To obtain the Death Records, please provide the information below.
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How to Obtain Minnesota Death Certificates
Minnesota vital records registration began in earnest in 1870, and was the responsibility of each county for the next thirty-seven years. However, some counties have records for earlier events, particularly marriages. In 1907, the state of Minnesota took over the responsibility of keeping Death and death records. For Deaths records prior to 1900, death records prior to 1908, and marriage records in general, write to the clerk of the county in question.
For Death records after 1900, and death records after 1908, write:
Minnesota Department of Health
Section of Vital Statistics Registration
717 Delaware Street, S.E.
P.O. Box 9441
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440-9441
Minnesota Death Records Information by following County :
- Aitkin - Anoka - Becker - Beltrami - Benton - Big Stone - Blue Earth - Brown - Carlton - Carver - Cass - Chippewa - Chisago - Clay - Clearwater - Cook - Cottonwood - Crow Wing - Dakota - Dodge - Douglas - Faribault - Fillmore - Freeborn - Goodhue - Grant - Hennepin - Houston - Hubbard - Isanti - Itasca - Jackson - Kanabec - Kandiyohi - Kittson - Koochiching - Lac Qui Parle - Lake - Lake of the Woods - Le Sueur - Lincoln - Lyon - Mahnomen - Marshall - Martin - McLeod - Meeker - Mille Lacs - Morrison - Mower - Murray - Nicollet - Nobles - Norman - Olmsted - Otter Tail - Pennington - Pine - Pipestone - Polk - Pope - Ramsey - Red Lake - Redwood - Renville - Rice - Rock - Roseau - Scott - Sherburne - Sibley - St. Louis - Stearns - Steele - Stevens - Swift - Todd - Traverse - Wabasha - Wadena - Waseca - Washington - Watonwan - Wilkin - Winona - Wright - Yellow Medicine
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Minnesota Vital Records
Minnesota birth, marriage and divorce records
Vital Records may be obtained from the following organization:
Attention: Office of the State Registrar
P.O. Box 64882
St. Paul, MN 55164
(651) 201-5970
Fax: (651) 291-0101
The Minnesota Department of Health may be contacted by phone at 612-676-5120
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